Despertei um dia, via que chovia mas sentia que não podia.... nada podia, nada seria, apenas sonho viria
domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010
Adeus Auckland
Pois bem, eu, Nereu Sabugo, como figura mitica do imaginario popular dos bezuntados, indico que o bom Bode esta de partida de Auckalnd, rumando para a plantacao de aboboras no norte do norte desta famigerada ilha, numa cidadezinha chamada kerikeri. Rumo ao desconhecido mundo das aboboras. As aboboras, laranjas aboboras, grandes, crescendo em arvores enormes, de ate 30 metros. O mais interessante no cultivo das aboboras e que elas germinam dentro de uma fedida flor cinza, chamada aqui pelos nativos de Jarakatiani, ou A GRANDE BOSTA. Quem Poliniza as arvores de aboboras sao, obviamente, os chacais alados, muito comuns por aqui... se voce guardar um fauno no freezer, ele morre
sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010
Turn left to rigth

Carvalhos, chineses, hindus, sunny, windy, cloudy, sunny, windy, cloudy, kebab, o cemiterio abandonado, witches, gaivotas nos telhados, camper elm crying in the dawn, surrealismo nato, camarao, underground, sempre torto (mas ainda reto), viola nas ruas, maconha nas lojas, lager beer, hindus tocando raga na Queenstreet, blackbirds, maoris gordas (todas sao gordas), labirintos, civilidade, tai food, mundo todo, todo mundo. Tem um banheiro, e tem uma privada, e no lado da privada a bosta de alguem. Porque a bosta nao ta na privada? sunny, windy, cloudy, sunny, cloudy, windy, twister, turbantes, muculmanos, falta de acentuacao adequada nos teclados, all upside down, my mind can't stop shaking, my mind can't stop shaking, my mind can't stop shaking, my mind....
Here, by my side
Walking down the Queen, it can't be real
My head can't stop shake, I cross the hill
Amazing blow, the world its a big meal
Playing my guitar, cause I can feel
Dream by dream, thus night by night
Please help me darling to explain in lines
Turn left to right, its all upside down
But take it easy, just put all into your mind
I close my eyes, and I know, the breeze is here
Flowing throught the day, the thoughs too clear
Crazy time, the past now is fadding away
So just keep in tune, making better everyday
Behind work and fun, smiles and pain
Between everybody from anywhere
Now it's up to you, you can't be found
So come on baby, I just need you here, by my side
My head can't stop shake, I cross the hill
Amazing blow, the world its a big meal
Playing my guitar, cause I can feel
Dream by dream, thus night by night
Please help me darling to explain in lines
Turn left to right, its all upside down
But take it easy, just put all into your mind
I close my eyes, and I know, the breeze is here
Flowing throught the day, the thoughs too clear
Crazy time, the past now is fadding away
So just keep in tune, making better everyday
Behind work and fun, smiles and pain
Between everybody from anywhere
Now it's up to you, you can't be found
So come on baby, I just need you here, by my side
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